Check out what past clients have to say about Patrick! If you would like to provide a new testimonial to be featured on this page or want to voice your experience, reach out to Patrick at [email protected]!


Check out what past clients have to say about Patrick! If you would like to provide a new testimonial to be featured on this page or want to voice your experience, reach out to Patrick at [email protected]


Maggie W, Therapist

"Patrick is a knowledgeable and compassionate guide through all things private practice! He is gifted in cutting through red tape and demystifying the overwhelming and intimidating aspects of starting a private practice. He is also a genuinely wonderful human being! I would strongly recommend working with him."

Kitty K, Therapist

"I am so grateful for everything Patrick has done to support me and my growing practice! Not only was he able to help me become paneled with my first insurance company, his friendliness, and patience every step of the way helped me realize that creating a private practice doesn’t have to be a private struggle, and sometimes reaching out for support is the best thing we can do for our clients and for ourselves. You’ll be glad you reached out to Patrick!"

Kellie H, Therapist

"Patrick is probably one of the most patient people I know, therapist or not. He was incredibly helpful in getting my private practice off the ground right before the pandemic hit. I don’t know if I would have had the gumption to get it up and going without his help and guidance: from helping with a Simple Practice account to talking me down from a panic attack while thinking of all I had to do, he is someone I would absolutely recommend in building your bright future!"

Kristin B, Therapist

"Patrick is very knowledgeable and resourceful regarding many aspects of opening a private practice and managing your private practice business. He is easy to talk to, supportive, and explains overwhelming aspects of the process in a relatable way. He’s truly a great person to have in your corner!"

Leah S, Therapist

"Patrick is incredibly patient and helpful with the process of starting a private practice, from insurance paperwork, business paperwork, to coaching through setting up a Simple Practice account. I would have felt totally overwhelmed without his help!"

Alli R, Therapist

"Patrick was incredibly helpful when I was first researching starting my private practice. He’s very knowledgeable about the in’s and out’s of running a therapy business and wants nothing more than to see other entrepreneurs be successful! You won’t regret working with him, in any capacity!"